The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88056   Message #1652663
Posted By: Cllr
21-Jan-06 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to Phot
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to Phot
Dear Phot,
Have a nice holiday, I hope the weather will be nice. I think you are very lucky to win an all expenses trip to somewhere exotic but I'm sure you deserve it. Remember to play nicely with the other boys
Even if the play a little rough (so I have heard) again remember they are foreign! Do send a post card. you dont have to write much just wish you were or something.

I hear that the trip is all inclusive so enjoy the food. Do try to take advantage of the excursion trips I'm sure they will be very educational and will teach you a lesson. It all sounds very exiting
And we will all be thinking of you having such fun!

Hopefully you can bring back some nice holiday snaps
Have a nice time Cllr.