The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88154   Message #1652959
Posted By: Arne
21-Jan-06 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noted without comment (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Noted without comment (2)
I would say he grew up to be President.

Strangely enough, though, not by will of the people. As for his ascennsion, that had more to do with the power plays (and nasty tricks) of the Republicans than it did with his own capabilties.

His life seems hardly miserable.

You'd have to ask him about that (although he seems rather churlish and hagggard nowadays ... when he's not sporting new bruises, scrapes, and other marks of having fallen down). But his record is certainly miserable. While not the greatest failure, I'd note that it was he that was at the helm (and doe-struck and clueless for seven minutes) while the single greatest terrorist attack on the United States was accomplished.

At least you have the balls to admit your obsessive fixations and hate.

You misspelled "disdain and utter lack of respect".

Hate for a leader and more than half of the country who elected him?

Ummm, "more than half of the country" didn't elect him. As for the second election, I'd point out that in the wake of the 9/11 bombings (for reasons that I understand but find irrational), Dubya was a "favourite" and considered a shoo-in for the next election. People tend to rally around the "leaders" in times of trouble and uncertainty, and Dubya's ratings were stratospheric. Of course, when it came down to actually doing something in response to 9/11, Dubya found way after way to bollix things up royally, to the point that he was reduced to proxy sliming of his opponent in 2004 just to barely squeak through. Since then, of course, as more and more comes out about how bad his maladministration is, his ratings have plummeted even more, and now over half the country thinks he shold be impeached if he broke the law (which he quite certainly did in many things not the least of which is illegal wiretapping).

"Brownie, you're doing a hck of a job." -- words that should be engraved on Dubya's tomb ... after he's passed on to whatever circle of Hell is reserved for those that throw the lives of thousands of youngsters away for their own private glorification and ends.
