The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1653026
Posted By: Troll
21-Jan-06 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Since I cannot find Arne in the directory -possibly my computer is acting up- I'll have to make it public. This is for Arne only. The rest of you shouldn't read id.

Arne, since you don't know me and -apparently- don't know anything about me, let me start by saying that a few years ago, the man who called me a coward in public, would have answered to me physically. Alas, time is overtaking a body that has been too much abused and I am not the hothead I once was.

Be advised, however, that it is not wise to kick an old dog. He might have one bite left.

Jonh Kerry got a medal for running his boat ashore and shooting a wounded VC. I read that HE put himself in for that medal. Thats all I know about it. My co9mment stands. I think he was grandstanding.

I have never denied that he brought a wounded man aboard under fire, or that it was a brave -and proper- thing to do so I really can't see why you brought it up at all.

As for his three purple hearts, all evidence, including his own diary and the testimony of the doctor who attended him for what he described as a "bandaid" wound, was that he fired a grenade into the river bank where it hit a rock and he was hit by his own schrapnel.

In his diary he stated that he had yet to come under enemy fire and this was after the wound incident. Purple Hearts are to be given our only for wounds suffered under enemy fire. I have no real knowledge of his other wounds except that I have heard other Vets say that they should have gotten Purple Hearts for similar wounds too. Apparently the wounds were not severe.

He used the three wounds and you are out rule to his advantage. I don't blame him a bit. Everyone wanted to go home.

As far as me being in the Chairborne Brigade of the 102st Keyboarders, well, like I said before, you don't know me. I served in the US Navy Amphibious Forces between 1963 and 1967.

I don't know what ,if any, time you served. I do know that most of the Vets that I know don't make snap pronouncments about the bravery of others because you never know.

Your note that everyone who served with Kerry praised him, I'll let slide tand say only that the officers who served with and commanded his didn't care for him. About the kindest thing I heard them say was that he was a loose cannon and that it was a wonder that he didn't get somebody killed.

At least one man who served under him (his gunner) said that he lied when he claimed that he had been in the gun tub and had shot the man he later went ashore to dispach.

Regarding the Swift Boat Veterans, I don't know what of their testimony was true and what was overkill. Sinc3e I haven't read the book, I don't feel competent to comment.

Two of my very good friends were part of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and saw John Kerry in action close-up and personal. Their opinion of him, based on his testimony before the Congressional Committee, is even less flattering than mine. They HEARD him tell lies besmirched every Veteran in this country both in Congress and in Detroit.

So you are right. I don't like the guy. I think that he is a slimy liar who blackeneed the name of every man and woman who served in Vietnam for his own political gain. I think he was a selfserving rich boy who played the system, and when he tried to run for president, his past caught up with him and bit him on the ass.

To you, he may walk on water. OK.

I don't really care if he would have wanted me serving under him or not. That isn't the point. I wouldn't have wanted to serve under HIM.
