The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88195   Message #1653127
Posted By: Zany Mouse
21-Jan-06 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whale in the Thames
Subject: RE: BS: Whale in the Thames
I used to be involved with British Divers Marine Life Rescue and we were taught that one of the biggest dangers in the rescue of a stranded marine mammal happens AFTER the capture. An animal that is normally supported in water has severe problems with gravity when there is no water to support it. Sadly this means that internal organs compact/compress/collapse.

It is sad news but not entirely unexpected. BDMLR are a dedictated team of divers but they are really fighting a losing battle on most strandings. This isn't the first, or the last, mammal we will lose in this way. Luckily that won't stop them trying. It was worth a shot as it would have died in the Thames anyway.

What I find very sad indeed is that they managed to get the poor thing so far out before it died. If only it could have hung on a short time longer.
