The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1654337
Posted By: Arne
23-Jan-06 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign

Can Arne's hardwired mind answer the question:

Who is George Soros and whgo does he support?

Ahhhh, an attempt at the ol' tu quoque, eh? Funny how the Republican sycophants are reduced to the ol' "The Dummycrats are just as crooked as we are....." whine. Of course, that isn't true no matter how much the RNC "spin machine" (including the likes of Newsmax and WND) keeps trying to spin it. They're also busy yelling at the top of their lungs, "but CLINTON did it!!!!" (once again, untruthfully), but it does bring a smile to my lips when the Republicans hold up that cesspool of immorality and All That Is Wrong With 'Merkuh Which Needs To Be Fixed Right Now ... their hated KKKlinton ... as the new standard for what is Right And Good. It's really touching in a way in its pathetic whining and hypocrisy.

But as to who George Soros is: He's a person that cares a hell of a lot more about what this country is really about than you do. He's not sinking money into some long-range plot to slime his political opponets, he wants people to see the malignant corruption that's going on and to be able to see that there is a much better way we can run this country. Feel free to disagree, but then you'd better be ready with documentation if you want anyoen to take you seriously.
