The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88266   Message #1654447
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
23-Jan-06 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
By the way, I like voted for a laff, eh? The choice here was between:

Bolthole - Conserbative
Flipface - Libaral
Corkpuller - NDP
Bible Thumper - Chiristian Flippin' Heritge party (talk about MAJOR LOOOSERS!)
Green Thumb - Green party (buncha veg-heads that love whales and stuff like that)

Now hte way it goes in this town...Only Bolthole and Flipface got a hope of being elected here. Corkpuller is just in it so she can say she ran. Big flippin' deal! Bible Thumper is a skinny old flippin' religionous nut who runs every time in this riding and dong't never get more than 35 or 40 votes! One of his votes is from my Aunt. she is a religious nut too. She says I am goin' to hell. I say, "I already BEEN there...that weekend long ago when I got babysat by YOU!" Then ya got yer Green Thumb who is praobally a planted agent from Europe because she can't be a real Canadian! Hell no. Real Canadians eat back backon, not Humous and Taheenies and crap like that. Real Canadians wear work boots, not Birkenstocks. Real Canadians read Don Cherry's hockey books, not Deepaki flippin' Chopra!

So...tomorrow either Bolthole or Flipface gets to run this flippin' municipality for a while. Whichever one it is...he has my flippin' sympathy, lemme tell ya. I say it's gonna be Bolthole. 3 to 1 odds, eh? I voted for Bolthole, like I said...for a laff...but I figger my winner-type instinks will propeller the conservatives to victory. I have a gut feeling that dont' never lead me astray, eh?