The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1654652
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Jan-06 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
And here is my parody of that song, telling the tragic tale of a band of expatriate American hippy draftdodgers who spent a number of years avoiding the Feds in Canada, but were eventually doomed by their yen for warm weather and Mexican marijuana....

Barrett's Bordermen                                             

It was the year of 1976
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
Clive Barrett said "Boys, let's up and go
They've got much better weather in Mexico!"
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Clive Barrett was a hippy from New York State
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
He was tall and dark and smelly and weird
Had a colony of weevils in his beard
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

We bought an old school bus for 25 bucks
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
She was a horrible mess, what a sight to see
But the engine started when he turned the key
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Clive Barrett rolled a joint full of Lebanese hash
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
It was long and fat and heavy as clay
To smoke it took nine of us three whole days
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

On the fourth day we crossed the Ohio State line
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
We hadn't gone a mile when a traffic cop
Tried to pull the bus over and make us stop
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Clive Barrett pulled hard to the left and swore
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
The old bus gave a shudder and a shake and a pitch
And threw that officer in the ditch
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Down Interstate 80 at a hundred and ten
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
With 25 cop cars howling round
We made a run for the crossing outside Youngstown
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

We could see the level crossing half a mile ahead
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
There was a westbound freight out of Portland, Maine
Clive Barrett said "I'm gonna beat that train!"
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Fat Freddy gave a yell when we hit the rails
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
The old bus blew a tire and spun half around
As the train bore down with a rumbling sound
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Poor Phineas was the first to go
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
When the train tore through with a terrible squeal
And ground him up in the driving wheels
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Then the train derailed like an upturned whale
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
20 chemical cars full of high grade fuel
Came tumbling down around us poor fools
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen
A big flatcar fell like the hammer of God
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
Killed Flo and Eddie and Flatface Fred
And decapitated Panama Red
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Fat Freddy make a break for the exit door
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
20 cops opened up from a stand of trees
And filled him full of holes like a big Swiss cheese
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Then Freewheelin' Frank made a dash for the woods
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
An Ohio State chopper on a strafing run
Blew him clean in two with the gatling gun
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Then the train blew up with a deafening roar
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
Clive Barrett got cooked like a big french fry
I lost all my hair and both my eyes
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen

Now Fat Freddie's Cat is in Mexico
(How I wish I was in Moncton now...)
He was the only one to escape the wreck
I wish I had him here now, I would wring his neck!
        God damn them all! I was told
        We'd smoke up on Acapulco Gold
        Lie around like bums and toast our friends
        Now I'm a broken man in Ohio State Pen
        The last of Barrett's Bordermen