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Thread #87545   Message #1655163
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jan-06 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
We all know MSM sucks goat balls.

DeLay's most vocal accusers include a cluster of self-styled "ethics watchdog" groups, among which Common Cause, Democracy 21, Public Citizen, Public Campaign and The Campaign Legal Center have special prominence.(9)

All of the above-named groups have received large contributions from Soros' Open Society Institute. Common Cause has received $650,000; Democracy 21, $300,000; Public Citizen, $275,000; and Public Campaign, $1.3 million.(10) The Campaign Legal Center acknowledges on its Web site that it too has received "generous financial support" from the Open Society Institute as well as from other leftwing foundations.

In March of this year, the activist group Campaign for America's Future (CAF) joined forces with the Public Campaign Action Fund to launch a $75,000 TV ad campaign in targeted Congressional districts, portraying Tom DeLay as corrupt.

Both partners in the anti-DeLay ad campaign have received heavy funding from Soros. CAF — a subsidiary of the Institute for America's Future (IAF) — has received more than $300,000 from Soros' Open Society Institute. The other partner, the Public Campaign Action Fund, is an affiliate of the afore-mentioned Public Campaign, which has received $1.3 million from Soros.(11)

The propaganda din from Soros-sponsored "watchdog" groups helps feed the ever-hungry media with anti-Delay stories.

The Soros Book Machine

The Soros Noise Machine also struck through an investigative book called The Hammer: God, Money and the Rise of the Republican Congress, written by two Texas journalists named Lou Dubose and Jan Reid.

Co-author Dubose appears as a commentator in the still-unfinished documentary film The Big Buy, in which leftwing filmmakers Mark Birnbaum and Jim Schermbeck chronicle Ronnie Earle's pursuit of Tom DeLay.(12)

Dubose's and Reid's book The Hammer was published in October 2004 by Public Affairs Books of New York, an imprint of The Perseus Books Group, which in turn is owned by Perseus LLC, a merchant bank and fund management company, with offices in New York and Washington, DC.

The chairman and CEO of Perseus LLC, Frank H. Pearl, also happens to be the founder and chairman of Perseus Books. More to the point, Mr. Pearl and Mr. Soros are business partners, whose collaborations include such ventures as Perseus-Soros Management LLC, Perseus-Soros Partners LLC and Perseus-Soros Biopharmaceutical Fund.

Given the close partnership between these two men, we should hardly be surprised to learn that Mr. Pearl's Public Affairs book imprint — the same imprint which published the anti-DeLay title The Hammer — also happens to have published many books by George Soros, including The Crisis of Global Capitalism, Underwriting Democracy, George Soros on Globalization, The Bubble of American Supremacy and the forthcoming George Soros on Freedom.


The money trail strongly suggests that George Soros is implicated in the plot to frame Tom DeLay.


1. Marc Morano, "Soros Conviction for Insider Trading Upheld in French Court," Cybercast News Service (, March 24, 2005

2. Lou Dubose, "Senatorial Courtesy: Will John McCain Let Republican Perps Walk?", The Texas Observer, August 26, 2005

3. Sharon Kehnemul Liss, "DeLay Blasts `Leftwing Syndicate'",, April 20, 2005; Richard Poe, "The Soros Noise Machine,", March 20, 2005

4. Andrew C. McCarthy, "Ronnie Earle Should Not be a Prosecutor", National Review Online, October 6, 2005; Byron York, "Dollars for Dismissals," National Review Online, June 20, 2005; Peter Flaherty, "Texas Smear Machine Targets DeLay", Cybercast News Service (, September 23, 2004

5. "Hammer Time: Ronnie Earle Finally Gets His Man," The Wall Street Journal Online (, September 29, 2005

6. S.C. Gwynne,"The Daughter Also Rises",Texas Monthly, August 2004, p 112; David Horowitz and Richard Poe, "The Shadow Party" (Parts I-III),, October 6, 7, 11, 2004

7. Cliff Kincaid, "George Soros and the Press", Accuracy in Media (, April 13, 2005; Ed Morrisey, "Inside McCain's Reform Institute", Captain's Quarters, March 9, 2005; Richard Poe, "John McCain Gets Soros Cash,", March 10, 2005

8. Richard Poe, "Pewgate: Battle of the Blogosphere,", March 25, 2005

9. Alexander Bolton, "Watchdogs in Soros's Pocket: GOP," The Hill (, March 23, 2005; Michelle Malkin, "Wobbly Watchdogs,", June 22, 2004

10. "The Soros Agenda: Free Speech for Billionaires Only," The Wall Street Journal Online (, January 3, 2004

11. Anne E. Kornblut, "DeLay's Critics are Numerous, So He Sees a Conspiracy," San Francisco Chronicle, October 2, 2005

12. Byron York, "Coming Soon, the Ronnie Earle Movie," National Review Online, September 29, 2005; Byron York, "The Movie: Ronnie Earle on a Mission from God," National Review Online, September 30, 2005