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Thread #88266   Message #1655543
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jan-06 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
No politician, Bruce, does absolutely everything that a majority of his constituents want him to do at any given moment. If he did, he wouldn't be a human being, he'd be a lever on a slot machine or a trigger on a gun. ;-)

For one thing, a politician usually has access to a lot more specific information than the general public does. That's his job. This may cause him to see it differently when it comes to making a decision. For another, mere obedience to the will of the most voices in the crowd at any given time is not what I call "leadership". A leader does what he truly believes is the best thing to do...if he IS a leader...and what he thinks is possible under the circumstances.

For instance, FDR wanted to get the USA into WWII a lot earlier, but he had an isolationist public and Congress to deal with. Accordingly, he did what was possible. He gave the British a whole lot of assistance in various ways, economic and otherwise. American forces were involved in helping to track down the Bismark in 1941, for instance...unofficially. American forces were already assisting in various ways in the fight against U-Boats in 1941...unofficially. America was preparing for the inevitable, while officially staying out of the war.

You vote for a person not because you think he'll always do exactly what you want on every single issue, but because you regard him as capable of making good decisions in a general sense and handling the job well, and because you respect his or her character.

As for liking the MPs I elect, I liked our last MP. Not because he was Liberal...because he was a nice man with a good attitude and character. He retired after 3 terms and didn't run this time. The new guy, a Conservative, seems to be a pretty reasonable person too, I think.