The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51266   Message #1655669
Posted By: Tannywheeler
25-Jan-06 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Come All You Virginia Girls
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Kansas Boys
Q's posting of Arizona Boys and Girls reminds me of a song my mother sang sometimes. It had a 2-line verse and a refrain.

The boys in this country, they're tryin' t' advance
By courtin' the wimmin and larnin' tuh dance.
(ref) And they're down--down and they're down.

Sayin' "How d'ya like my brand new suit
Wi' th' (something something) tucked down in my boots?
(ref) An' I'm down--down and I'm down

They'll go to(something something)they'll take
And out in the bushes the bottles they'll break.
(ref)And they're down--down and they're down.

These are just scraps. Sorry I can't remember more. It was pretty sprightly, and a tad sarcastic and funny.          Tw