The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1655717
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
25-Jan-06 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Awright... I can't stand Bush and I think he is a menace to the world. Just like wolves (but more insidious.) But skimming down the BS threads, there are so many Bush threads that my eyes start to glaze over. I'm beginning to think that maybe Bush is even responsible for tooth decay. Everything seems to take an equally outraged, dead-serious stance, no matter how much of a stretcher the connection is.

I wonderr... is anyone who can't stand Bush slipping into a state of ennui about all the Bust threads?

No offense meant to my anti-Bush friends... I just ignore ALL (that dreaded word, used accurately) the threads about Bush at this point. I just feel that they cancel each other out..

Jerry (an anti-Bush)