The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88154   Message #1655807
Posted By: Ron Davies
25-Jan-06 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noted without comment (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Noted without comment (2)
Sorry "Martin" ( no pun intended--perish the thought)--your claim that you left Mudcat because you were "phsically threatened with harm" is dubious. More likely, you were, so to speak, physically threatened with help (LOL).

And I can't understand why you're so mad at me, calling me a moron--perhaps you're looking in the mirror too much--and talking about my "rants" Gee, I'm not ranting in the least ,just trying to find out why you're so defensive and angry all the time,--so we can help you.

After all, I did tell you our only reason for existence is to make you happy-- and I wished you continued happiness. Don't you remember? I'm crushed. Don't you want to be happy? Better tell your shrink. And ask him if he can do anything about your terrible problem of being dehumanized "every day".   Sure sounds serious. Your existence must be a terrible burden. Just remember we're always here for you.

And please continue to defend Mr. Bush. You help him so much.