The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1655832
Posted By: Once Famous
25-Jan-06 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
I like this post I just used. I want to post it here.

I'm not defensive. I just think your politics and values leave a lot to be desired, Ron Davies. I think very little of you as a person, that's all. So you can deal with that or not.

The angry ones are the Arne's and the Amos types, along with you Ron. angry at America, angry at Bush, angry at all Republicans, angry at people whosee right through you for the losers that you are.

I am far from angry. I am disgusted. disgusted with what passes for liberal thought process like yours.

I am disgusted that some people in the folk music world are some of the biggest losers in society, like yourself and your silly little band of ranting, lunitic hand wringers, who like I say, have accomplished very little, and will continue to accomplish very little.

Take a look in the mirror. Just an old, foolish doper who is still living in the past.

It's not at all boring to call you schmucks out. I've told you before, it's somewhat entertaining. The success is all mine, because your usual diatribes are broken up every time by me and all you do then is hate me for that and end up ranting about that. You don't get it. The reaction I get from disagreeing with you is the payoff because it makes you look like the idiots and complete hypocrites that you really are.