The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88266   Message #1655916
Posted By: gnu
26-Jan-06 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Ah... Raptor....

Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
From: gnu - PM
Date: 25 Jan 06 - 09:32 AM

I am sure someone who knows will be along very shortly to point out my error, but...

Ridings A, B and C each have 100 voters. A votes 100 Lib and 0 Con. B and C vote 49 Lib and 51 Con. One Lib and two Con elected by real vote. Lib get 198/300 = 66 % of the popular vote.