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Thread #88329   Message #1656067
Posted By: pdq
26-Jan-06 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
If you want to deal in statistics, that can easily be done. Actually, 97% of the 22% of US voters who said "I hate Bush and will never give him a chance, period" are still fuming and will never forget the 1604 votes that Bush got on November 7 of 2000 that put him over the top in the much-disputed Florida election. Yes, 99% of the top 1% of the richest 'fat cat' scadzillionaires who paid for Bush's win with their ill-gotten 'filthy lucre' still support Bush. Actually, they support Bush 51% which is how much campaign contributions they give to 'publicans as opposed to the 49% they give to the 'crats which is for the same job as it would have been if Gore had won, which is why they are supporting campaign reform - because it just costs too darn much money to buy a Democrat these days. Not like the glory days of Huey Long and "Pappy" O'Daniel. Now Republicans just do their pro-businee thing for free, kinda like Monica, 'cause that's the way they are. Poles never did look too good for the Republicans as in Chicago, where precinct captain John Wayne Gacy used to guarantee 92% of the Polish vote for Richard J. Daly. Still not as good as the 300% voter turnout is selected districts of St. Louis. Wow, now that is political genius. So, if you relate that with statistical analysis to the 40% - 51% = (-)11% of the current Poles, we have a clear winner: Chicago Steamies win in a landslide.