The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1656211
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
26-Jan-06 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Hey, Arne:

You are right... and it's what I mean... Bush are a puppet. Cheney is holding one of the strings... maybe the one that opens and closes his mouth. There are so many strings that I'm afraid that it'll take a lot a snippin' to set this place right.

9th Street Derby looks pretty much the way it did when you left it.
I didn't realize that there was anyone FROM Derby, CT. This is such a wunnerful place it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to leave it.
Actually, it suits me just fine. It's too small for anyone to bother with.
