The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1656253
Posted By: Arne
26-Jan-06 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush

I didn't realize that there was anyone FROM Derby, CT. This is such a wunnerful place it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to leave it.
Actually, it suits me just fine. It's too small for anyone to bother with.

I didn't know anyone lived there either. By the time I did my leisurely drive into Shelton across the little bridge downtown (late to avoid traffic, plus I hate mornings), it did look like a ghost town. Ummm, then again, don't think it was any different at other times.

Biggest excitement ever in town was when that pizza place blew up that one time (although that was before I lived there).

Now Connecticut's a nice place, Land Of Steady Habits and all, but I have to admit I've gotten seduced by the California lifestyle. Out here I can ride my bicycle into work (all year round, no less) and not take my life into my hands.

How's the Sounding Board doing? And give my best to Lui and/or Howie and Sally if ya see 'em....
