The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1656274
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
26-Jan-06 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Hey, Arne:

Been a while since I've been to the Sounding Board (always one of my favorite coffee houses) and I haven't seen Sally and Howie in a long time.. too long, come to think of it. I never knew Lui well... split an evening at Woods Hole with her many years ago, and was at a New Year's Eve party where she was, once. The salad days of coffee houses ended here a long time ago... when you had your choice of five or six places to go every weekend. And I ran a series at the Stamford Museum for 27 years. The Museum was loaded with Bushes (just to keep this on topic.)
