The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88266   Message #1656428
Posted By: gnu
27-Jan-06 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
I just heard.... Bob Rae. From a news article...

"Of the three, Rae is probably the longest shot, since the former New Democrat premier of Ontario has never been a card-carrying Liberal. However, he has formidable connections to the Liberals, not least of whom is brother John Rae, vice-president of Power Corp., and the brains behind former prime minister Jean Chretien's three successful election campaigns.

Both Chretien and Martin wooed Rae in the past to run for the Liberals. As an outsider with admirers in both camps, he might be well placed to heal the schism left from the 10 year Martin-Chretien civil war."


Ah, Tobin is the third referred to in the article. Hmmm.