The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88336   Message #1656545
Posted By: saulgoldie
27-Jan-06 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: happy? – Jan 26 ('I did not have sex')
Subject: RE: happy? – Jan 26 ('I did not have sex')
Yup, there're the lies about sumpin that is none of your danged business in the first place. And then there're the lies that cause thousands of deaths of innocent people. Me, I obviously couldn't care less about Clinton's piccadilos. That is an issue for him Hillary, and his G-d if has has one. I care somewhat more about the Bush lies and intrusions in MY private life that are none of HIS business. From where I sit, it seems pretty clear that whatever G-d Bush has must be quite confused, at the very least.