The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88329   Message #1656579
Posted By: Arne
27-Jan-06 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The Boy Who Cried Bush

It's not only the Bush threads, all political threads are "bushable". When I see a new political thread I often make a private game to predict how long it will take until someone mentions Bush and who will be the one.

When Dubya is pretty much the most important player in politics (not only in the U.S., but in the world), this should come as no surprise to you.

Most of these (am)bushs are clumsy and lack any finesse.

Yes, I'll agree. They certainly are clumsy and lacking in finesse. Take Dubya's frequent "mishaps" and visible scrapes and bruises, not to mention his horrible mangling of sapience, much less the English language. Then there's Barbara's noted comments over the years concerning the 'little people', etc., if you're looking for some dearth of finesse. How about Dubya's horrific "joke" of looking for WoMDs (2000 soldiers dead ain't too funny, I'd say), or his "Plllleeeeaaaaseeee don't kiilll meeeee" comment.

Yep, there's one place I'll agree with you, Wolfgang.
