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Thread #87545   Message #1656811
Posted By: Arne
27-Jan-06 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign

Now what "same stuff" am I engaging in? I have not accused Soros of being anti-semetic or sterotypical of anything. That is your charge.

His did change his name from Gy�rgy Schwartz to George Soros for some reason.

As they say in legal circles, "res ipsa loquitur".

Even the FrontPageMagazine screed didn't say that he did it. Why bring it up unless you are implying or insinuating some motive to that. If so, out with it. Oherwise, just admit you're doing the ol' "I'm not saying that Soros sucks goat balls but...." type of shite.

I am saying that Liberals think they have a license to use vicious tactics because they think they are being attacked by the right.

And I'm saying, with considerably more evidence, that you're full'o'shite. The RW has had personal attack down to a fine art for decades now (not counting the McCarthy period). They've built an entire industry around it (talk radio). The liberals are late to the party if they've even bothered to come at all. I think the liberals should take off the kid gloves, and start hammering the RW slimebuckets for the piece'o'scat they are. You know, like actually saying out loud that Dubya's a two-faced liar when he's repeatedly lied his freakin' face off (the lies about surveillances being done with warrants back in 2004 is just the latest in this long string of bullshite he and the Republicans have been spewing).

Words like frog marching are associated with the Nazis....


They take childish delight in altering their enemy's faces to make them look like monkeys for example.

From the side of "KKKlinton" and "Hitlery" epithets??? I suspect a bit of projection here. But just for kicks, let's see some of this alleged "alter[ation]" (and I bet I can match you 3 to 1 with Clinton and Kerry pictures, FWIW).

Who's grand daddy did what with whom?

Prescott Bush was doing bidness with the Nazis. Google is your friend. And if you'd get your nose out of and NewsMax, you might learn a few other things too.....
