The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88375   Message #1656885
Posted By: Mudcat Jack
28-Jan-06 - 02:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Jack
Subject: BS: Iraq Jack
Ello all, I is on me travels again, I hitched a lift with Phot and wound up out ere in Iraq. It is supposed to be a desert out ere, but its dun nuffink but rain until today. Still dere's lots of stuff to play wiv ere, I got a ride in a tank the other nite, Phot was off videoing things, and runnin round wiv guns, so I wuz brave an looked after the tank, I think I should get a medal for dat. I found the bar the other night, it had a great palm tree........had.....I is hoping Joline and the Pups is OK, I fink dey is staying wiv Auntie LTS, but she aint written to me so I'm not sure, I'm getting Phot to get some pictures of me doin heroic stuff out here, and I wants a go wiv his camera, so I can do the reporting thing.

More news soon,
