The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88398   Message #1657564
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jan-06 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry calls for Fillibuster...
Subject: RE: BS: Kerrty calls for Fillibuster...
Look man, Chongo Chimp has the highest rating of the Chicago Bar Association. Big deal. Being able to down the most whisky and sodas per hour and remain standing is not a recommendation of good character or judgement.

Other than that, ask me if I care about Kerry's filibuster. Or Sam Alito.

Go ahead, ask me. ;-)

Kerry's just doing his job, which is to bash Republicans. And Tarheel's doing his, which is to bash liberals.

One question, though. Has any filibuster ever actually prevented legislation from going through? Or has it just delayed it?