The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88402   Message #1657754
Posted By: Bill D
30-Jan-06 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anti-semitism
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anti-semitism
Same old same old:
   "If you ain't for us, you're agin' us!"

It seems that the 'paranoia' you cherish so much, Martin, has once more blinded you to the difference between criticism of policy and behavior and Judaism and Israel in general. It is the case that ALL parties in this conflict are showing various degrees of hateful stubborness and pig-headededness.........why? Because they are ALL partially right in their claims about 'homeland' and history. The area has deep historical cultural and religious significance to three different groups, and no one wants to share.

It is undeniable what atrocities and persecution the Jews have suffered in various ways...and it is ALSO clear that the way they chose to redress those grievances caused harm and misery to Palestinians and others.

No use me typing for 6 hours to 'prove' this...thousands of pages have been written explaining the viewpoints of ALL sides of this mess, and you, Martin, are simply exemplifying the old adage "It all depends on whose ox is being gored." You accentuate the claims of your groups, denigrate the claims of other groups, and label anyone who disagrees with you as "anti-Semitic", when maybe all they are is "anti-selfishness". Sure...there are plenty of anti-Semites in the world...but there are just as many anti-Muslims or anti-Christians who refuse to see anything but their own biased viewpoint.

Face ***CANNOT*** divide up that small area in the middle-East in a way that will please everyone, and now EVERYONE has too many guns and too much hate. They all refuse to share, so they go on fighting and calling bystanders who refuse to support them nasty names.

sorry, but as a member of NONE of those groups, I see just a very sad, hopeless situation.

Ever hear the Bob Beers song about peace, with the lines:
"False are the bickering reigns
Of Honor, of Homeland, of War"?