The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88414   Message #1657876
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
30-Jan-06 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
Subject: RE: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
LOL. Ebbie: Maybe it's too early to know where this thread is going. Of course I take threads knocking Christianity personally. But even more importantly, there are countless people I love and respect (including many family members) and I bridle against generalities that are an insult to them. (I also bridle against generalities that are an induslt to the Muslim members of my family, and my Jewish friends.) I'd bridle too, if someone knocked Clinto for being an Atheist, as I have many Ahteist friends I love and respect.

I also bridle against the suggestion that people who have a faith (or religion) are somehow less empathetic than those who don't.

I bridle for all religions.

And I bridle for Atheists.

And brake for animals.

I guess you could say I'm a bridleing type a guy.
