The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88414   Message #1657915
Posted By: John MacKenzie
30-Jan-06 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
Subject: RE: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
"Seems to me that "Gawd" and his "Rules" have been some of the biggest excuse for some of the most atrocious acts humans have ever committed...."

For once I agree with CH ! I make only this addition to his thought.

Religions and sects have been the cause of most of this world's dissent murder and mayhem, but as Bob Dylan said they all claimed to have "God on Their Side", albeit their particular brand of "God"
It is amazing the excuses that people can find for their particular brand of attempted world domination. The bible for instance has been used to prove often diametrically opposed points of view. Same goes for other religious books too.
Ban all religion it causes death!
