The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88414   Message #1658610
Posted By: GUEST,Kindaloupehackenweez
31-Jan-06 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
Subject: RE: BS: One ounce of empathy is worth 1000 rules
Giok thank you for the info. It has been place in my book of things to remember and things to learn more about. appreacate it, I had no way of knowing that. It was just that quote always is with me.

Ebbie doesnt life, old age, diease, war, accidents, murder, and suicide, cause death.

I like to think in terms of all the possiblities.

Perhaps a "God" whom passes judgement by the scales of justice and weights the pros and cons of how we lived/

Or perhaps a table of elders of uneven number deciding,.Much like that of the surpreme court.

Or the Native American great spirits of ancestrial or animal spirits.

Or of the Zen "To exsist is to suffer and sufferage is the direct cause of desire.

Or the Athiest and we just go back to where we came

Or the Roman belief of "how we live this life will follow us thru eternity.

Or my person favorite the possiblity of reincarnation. In which case i wish to come back as a girls bicycle seat.

And yes even hell. For surely there justice can be served for there are no laws.

And even acoholics have any higher power they choose.

And or like my mom usta say: Religion is something to believe in when there is nothing else left.

Unless you believe that hope is merely a set up for disapointment, Then perhaps you do control your own destiney.

And am sure there are more than 1000 rules.

But as creatures of free will. and if life is what we make of it. why cant we make the hear and know heaven/. and if choice is unlimited i therefore choose a second which is happyness. for nothing else is an option.

Perhaps Interpation, perception, reality, illussion. Surly not science

live free and prosper
