The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88377   Message #1658734
Posted By: CarolC
01-Feb-06 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
Subject: RE: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
An apartheid state cannot claim to be a democracy. As long as Israel claims the West Bank and East Jerusalem (or as they call the area, Judea and Samaria) as a part of Israel, it is an apartheid state, and therefore not a democracy.

That's the dilemma they face. They're like the monkey with its hand stuck in the trap because it won't let go of the nut. They can't be a democracy until they let go of the occupied areas, or extend the same rights to the people in those areas that are enjoyed by the Jews in Israel proper (not all of which, by the way, are enjoyed by the people in Israel who are not Jewish).

But if they give the people in the occupied areas the same rights (right of citizenship, for instance) as in Israel proper, then they face the probability that Jews eventually will not be the majority in Israel.

It really isn't possible to hold someone else down without holding yourself down at the same time.