The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86077   Message #1659203
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
01-Feb-06 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Guys! Guys! Calm down....

I've heard that those contracts are being 'sorted' very, very shortly! Panic Ye Not!

Stevie Scarlett...have you completely lost your marbles up there in Sidford? I know that there's not an awful lot to do up there, but surely you don't really spend your time reading pratty articles about why Siddy 2004 was 'the last one' when you've already been to Siddy 2005 and you would have read in the World Famous Sidmouth Herald this week, how well the season tickets are all ready starting to sell for Siddy 2006! Minutes after going on sale I believe.

Move downtown Stevie! Honestly...I think there must be some sort of Negative Cloud hanging over Sidford, probably caused by the exhaust fumes from those cars at the traffic lights! ;0)

We have no traffic lights down here...the air is clean and pure...and the smell of the sea wafts up the high street with the sunshine!

And if you truly can't find anything else to read...I'd recommend tracking down some old copies of The Beano or The Dandy...or maybe The Hotspur...and travel back in time to your childhood, when you belived in magic..and then transport yourself, with the magic still intact, right back to the present...and look forward to the future....

For The Future Is Bright!! The Future Is Sidmouth 2006


Here you go Stevie...listen to Radio Britfolk's Billboard will cheer you up no end:

No Coope Boyes & Simpson on there...yet...but Pete Coe is there, as is Anahata's Mary..lovely voice too..and ACRES of other wonderfully talented people.

Turn Sidford on to Britfolk something USEFUL!!! AND FUN!!!

Ohhhhh..George is singing on Britfolk as I type...'Flowers And The Guns' You SO have to listen to George Papavgeris will love the intelligence and the messages in his songs.

Tell you what...instead of reading rubbishy things like that article, take a look at George's site and read his lyrics. You'll be astounded and deeply moved too. Just click on 'albums' then click each CD in turn, takes you to a list of the songs on that on the title and voila...all of George's magical words. We are so LUCKY to be having him come to Sidmouth this year.

Uh Oh...I have to go..Alistair Hulett has just started singing now The Red Clydesiders'...Sigh!

Hope you enjoy *my* links Stevie. :0)

Take care and see you at Siddy 2006

Lizzie :0)