The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73011 Message #1659341
Posted By: GUEST,Mike
01-Feb-06 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Must I Be Bound
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Must I Go Bound
Sam Hinton sings a song by this name on the old LP, Newport Folk Festival, The Evening Concerts (1963). I'm terrible at remembering lyrics, which is why I was trying to look them up. What I remember is this:
1st VERSE:
Oh, grieve, oh, grieve, my true love, grieve. Must I go bound, while you go free. .... Must I love one that don't love me.
Oh, dig, oh, dig, my grave so deep. A marble slab at my head and feet. And on my breast a turtle dove, To show the world I died of love.
2nd VERSE:
... ... I'll hang my heart on the willow tree, To show the world I died for thee.