The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12983   Message #1659811
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
01-Feb-06 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: John Jacob Niles authenticity?
Subject: RE: John Jacob Niles authenticity?
Folks, With all due respect:

It's strange, I don't remember starting this thread at all! There is no reason I can think of that would've prompted me to start it. But, as I'm fond of saying, "When your memory goes, forget it!!"----Could it be that I actually felt my first post was accurate??

It is very true that I never enjoyed listening to John at all. But from some of the "scholarly" posts here, I must, I feel, take note of the fact that several of you "emperors" haven't, from where I'm sitting, got a stitch on that I can see even a thread of!

Over the many years I have watched bureaucratic artsy-fartsy arts agencies find ways to make seemingly good reasons for themselves to exist by semantic manipulations and alchemy that makes multi-million dollar non profit organizations out of good bullshitters and grant writers. But nothing you can say here can convince me that JJN's music was any different or any better than the caterwauling of "artists" like TINY TIM----who also had a unique/eunuch (pun intended) voice and style! If JJN had gone on the old TV program called the GONG SHOW, I'm pretty sure he would've been out-o'-there really quick! (That's just one folkie's opinion-- ;-)


Art Thieme