The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88484   Message #1659853
Posted By: Big Mick
02-Feb-06 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday to me (Barry Finn)(Feb 2006)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday to me (Barry Finn)
Lissen up, ya snotty nosed brat. Let's have a little respect fer yer elders, or it's a hidin' I have for ya. If there were anyway on this earth that I could be at the Press Room Friday, I certainly would.

Justine, this birthday is as much yours as it is his. Thanks from the bottom of the collective Mudcat heart for keeping this sorry man around. I cannot imagine the place with out him.

And you, kid, mind your manners.

Oh ....... and thanks for being my friend.

With much love and affection,
