The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87784   Message #1659922
Posted By: Ross
02-Feb-06 - 04:28 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - Jan 06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - Jan 06 things
How was that - thanks very much everyone

To Bert, Pat, Cathy, Bill, Carlos, Richard, Tony, Trevor W, Keith, Eve, Bob & Teresa

Lots of unrehearsed stuff but great fun - electonic fiddle solos from Richard, some nice country from Cool Kat & Keith

January is now ended - will start a february thread very soon

John Breeze is playing this Sunday at the Comfort Hotel in St Albans - he will also be selling Avon products/tuperware/lingerie during the interval; 'a collossus in the anals of the scale of E' - The Dandy 1988

How was Jez and his coal mine?