The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88402   Message #1660508
Posted By: autolycus
02-Feb-06 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anti-semitism
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anti-semitism
As a Jew, I feel relieved that despite the volleys of abuse, most posters remain supportive or neutral vis-a-vis Jews.
I would appreciate it if every question gets a direct answer. Having read thru the thread, lots of pointful questions have remained unanswered. One response that I wish we read at all on threads like this is, "I don't know."
"It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is the privilege
of wisdom to listen." Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Despite para 2 above, I don't imagine that all of the action is in the realm of the rational, tho' the rational side of me wishes desperately that it was.
I take it as a matter of course that there may be some anti-Jewish opinion among catters, as there is anti-lotsofthings, and there is, more clearly, much pro-Jewish and neutral-Jewish opinion, too. Some of us Jews can live with it as something we can't do much about.
Possibly the prevalence of the phrase "anti-semitism" is a direct consequence of the Shoah (tho' Arabs are Semites !!). There are, of course, any numbers of groups that some people are anti.
I'd like to know what lashing out aggressively at an opponent is supposed to achieve. Persuasion? Winning an argument? Winning a war by other means?
Reading this thread has felt to me somewhat like watching fragments of a variety of chess matches being played simultaneously.

Would nutmeg work in a home-made spaghetti?
