The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1660729
Posted By: Old Guy
02-Feb-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
why don't you "defend" yourself for your adulation of the likes of, FrontPageMagazine, NewsMax, and the other nasty RW "slime machine" sites?

I never made any claims about these sites. I still don't know what freeper is. However whatever they are you attack them in true leftwing extremist style.

I asked why he changed his name. Is that a nasty acusation? You are the nasty acuser.
"When he was a boy his parents changed the family name to the vaguely Hungarian-sounding name Soros"

Why did his parents change it? When and who changed György to George?

I suspect he knows how to spell "amateur" (sorry if your French isn't up to snuff). Sorry, but I can't help you remedy that situation, if a remedy is even possible.
In typical left wing extremist style you attack someones spelling, but only if they disaggree with you. You let the poor spelling of your buds like Bobert pass without comment. I think that is an example of the discrimination that you claim to abhor.

That's the way markets work. So any way people make money is ethical?

de riguerHow's your French?
privatisation schemes Shouldn't that be privatization?
for mre than?
any communitty?
waged incomepetently?
Whie this?
when decididng?
looked at askanse?
that you'ev swallowed ?
words of thsoe?
snap judgement?
incident occured?
political opponets?
referenced documenation?
the measn ?
it's tunred into ?
never apologised ?
Commander Codpice?
they din't ?

Yep, I am just a 2-bit (anonymous) twerp of no consequence and you are so perfect and righteous that you don't have to defend Soros or offer any reasons for his name change.

You just attack anything that your imagined enemys present.