The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88485   Message #1660743
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
02-Feb-06 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: More Insult to the Poor
Subject: RE: BS: More Insult to the Poor
Let me tell you about, Johnny, the local street guy. I met him through Margaret, the old lady who used to live across the street before she entered a nursing home. Johnny used to do odd jobs for Margaret and when he had no place to sleep (which happened occasionally) she would let him sleep in her carport. She assured me he was harmless. When Margaret went to the nursing home, it was as if Johnny had lost his connection to the world. I sorta picked up where Margaret left off. At first I wasn't sure if he was on drugs, mentally challenged, or an alcoholic. I now realize that he is probably all three.

He never begs from me. He comes around looking for work. He's kind and gentle. He's like a ten year old in many ways. He likes to think he is protecting me and my property from other street people (maybe he is, because street people are quite territorial). Hiring Johnny is like paying for protection. We have a symbiotic relationship. He cuts my lawn and helps in the garden. He recycles my bottles and cans. If there is no work and therefore no money, I feed him instead. He is always grateful and polite. He has become a part of my life. I don't have much to offer except a little bit of care. I can't change his life and I doubt if he can either.

Old Margaret was a very prim and proper old lady. If she could find a place in her heart for a lonely street person, I can to. I owe her alot. She taught me the reward of giving to the less fortunate.

Yes, Johnny has a sad story but he's not a sad person. Somehow, through all the ups and downs of life, he manages to remain postive. He never complains about anything except his knees. He's on a waiting list at the hospital. This is how one homeless man survives.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone just took one homeless person under their wing, how much misery could be erased. Margaret taught me how easy it is. Johnny taught me not to be afraid of giving.

Please don't tell me what a good person I am. I have an extra bedroom but I certainly wouldn't invite him to sleep there. I'm writing this so that you know there are ways to connect with the homeless and show that you care. I'm as selfish as the next guy so I figure if I can do this, you can too.

People like Janie know how miserable the lives of the poor can be. Most street people are mentally challenged and victimized on the street. They are easy prey. Its a horrible, downward spiral for them. Count your blessings and don't shit on the homeless in the process. Chances are, they have never harmed you at all and never will.