The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88424   Message #1660907
Posted By: alanabit
03-Feb-06 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: 'Where do you go to my Lovely' - Discuss
Subject: RE: 'Where do you go to my Lovely' - Discuss
We have done this subject before on the "Worst Pop Song Ever" threads. No harm in bringing it back again though!
The teenage wedding day aligned to a car crash/motorcyle accident/air disaster/shark attack, was a popular genre in the sixties. "Leader of the Pack" and "Ebony Eyes" are two spectacularly awful examples of that. "Tell Laura I Love Her" is another. It takes a strong man not to laugh at the end of that one. With my advandcing years, I am developing a soft spot for them. It is more a,"So bad they are funny," sort of feeling.
Joe Offer and others provided convincing argument that "Feelings", that gruesome offering from Maurice Albert, was an unsurpassable atrocity. I think I have heard worse somewhere, but mercifully, that songwriter (rest his soul) never got on the radio.