The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88530   Message #1661245
Posted By: Wesley S
03-Feb-06 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Neo-con invasion
Subject: BS: Mudcat Neo-con invasion
Many of us have noted an increase in some rather unsavory behavior here at the Mudcat. Logic and reason used to be the soup de jour of Mudcat discussions – but sadly this is no longer true. We've got trouble. Right here in Mudcat City. With a capital C and a capitol N and it spells out Neo-Con. How can you tell that's you've entered the Neo-Con Zone and you're talking with one of THEM ? Here are a few ways to tell :

1 – Fuzzy logic
2 – Unreasonable fear of "them"
3 – Faded bumper sticker that says "My country – love it or leave it"
4 - Strange spasms whenever the names Bill, Hillary or Ted are mentioned
5 – Total disregard for the poor
6- T-shirts that say "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out"
7 – When they run out of ideas they just shout louder
8 – When they run out of ideas they use profanity
9 – Everything that ever went wrong can be blames on "them liberals"
10 – They never met a tax they were willing to pay

I'm sure there are a lot more. If you think of any please pass them along.

Don't get me wrong. Most neo-cons { and you know the exceptions } are likeable people – you just don't want to talk politics with them. They don't foam at the mouth unless you mention the UN, the ACLU or Planned Parenthood.

So if you run into a Neo-con on the Mudcat – just love them the best you can. It will confuse the hell out of them.