The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88522   Message #1661762
Posted By: Andy Jackson
04-Feb-06 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BBC 4 folk program
Subject: RE: BBC 4 folk program
What a grand evenings entertainment. Split up in my case by several recordings at various times, interspersed with live viewing. Not to mention another set of recordings on the Isle of Wight!! The Beeb has a last pleased some of the people some of the time. Sorry you missed it Sian, but I hope you have caught up with one of the many re-runs. No mention that I could detect of Welsh tradition unfortunately. Three programmes to go yet though (I think) so lets hope.
Looking forward to next week but the following weekend is the Anchor Middle Bar Sidmouth Reunion so have to put lots of trust in remote technology....Hmmmmm
I have often wondered and sometimes even gone to print about the daft idea of repaeating programmes intensively very close together, a week at least apart and we might get to watch them without frantic hair-tearing planning meetings!! Ho Hum..

I suppose while I'm chatting I'd better mention Miskin at Easter or some will think I'm slipping. " MISKIN AT EASTER "

Tarra each
