The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88375   Message #1661941
Posted By: Mudcat Jack
05-Feb-06 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Jack
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Jack
Ullo, it is me again. Phot has buggered off an left me alone again in the room, I is not avin any more parties for a bit coz Phot threw his teddy out of der cot after the last wun, still was a bloody good party though! I is missin Joline an der pups, coz it is a long way back home. You did say you wus makin me a a combat jacket love, could you urry up as I might be goin out wiv Phot next week, an last time I did, we wuz in a helecopter type fing, and you knows me an bein travel sick, I threw up all over Phots vidio camara. Dunno why he was upset though, I ate up all the lumpy bits! All he had to do wuz clean off der slime, his mate Griff got sum good piccys though, of me lookin all brave again, when we gets time we'll put them up on my site.

More news soon, Jack