The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88551   Message #1662017
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
05-Feb-06 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Les Barker on the Radio again
Subject: Les Barker on the Radio again
From Clive Lever, responsible for 'Guide Cats for the Blind' I and II:

Just to let you know that the weekend of 11/12 February is a biggie for Les
on the radio.

He is due to feature as guest on Celtic Heartbeat, Frank Hennessy's
programme on BBC radio Wales on Saturday 11 February. The following evening he'll be interviewed on the Genevieve Tudor folk programme going out on BBC Shropshire and BBC Hereford and Worcester. Meanwhile on BBC Shropshire, I hear that one of the presenters, I think called steve Middleton, has introduced a featur called "Les at eleven" on his shows.

Please can you keep those requests going in to any of your favourite local radio stations, and to Sarah Kennedy on BBC radio 2, asking for plays of "My Snails Have Not Yet Arrived" by Timothy West with Prunella Scales.

Anyone within easy access of Maidstone on Monday April 3 can see Les in concert, to raise funds for British Computer Association of the Blind's EyeT4All project, the day before it gets its official national launch.

Doors open 7.30, show runs 8 to 10.30pm. Tickets £10.

If you're nowhere near easy reach of the concert yourself, please tell any friends or relations you may have in London and Kent, who might want a good night out and a good hearty dose of laughter.
