The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17171   Message #166213
Posted By: Mike Robertson
21-Jan-00 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Nic Jones
Subject: RE: Nic Jones
> If any of us in the USA were to send away for a CD

The info you need is here. You're looking at £14 for the USA, and it has to be IMO or UK cheque.

If the US is anything like Norway then you might well be looking at paying much more than that when you take the cost of buying the cheque into account. I wondered whether they would mind us sending cash (I always have some UK currency stashed away somewhere for my next trip) so my wife just called to find out. Thrilled to find herself speaking to the man himself on the phone and had quite a long chat with him about this and that! Bottom line was it was fine to send 'real' pounds so I have 4 CDs that hopefully will arrive RSN (I only need the one, but the CD will make a great present for a select group of friends!
