The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88266   Message #1663523
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
07-Feb-06 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
Subject: RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan
I can't believe how stupid Harper would be to dismantle the Liberal childcare spaces that were on the brink of becoming a reality. $1200.00 a year is hardly a substitute for the creation of a comprehensive, national childcare policy that was supported by three other parties. It has taken years of research and planning.

Do not let Harper dismantle the Liberal, childcare policy. Change the name to the Canadian, childcare policy if you must but don't trash the program. Its a good program that will give hope to the struggling, urban working mom and dad.

Give the $1200.00 a year to the stay at home, caregiver but give the working people the desperately needed spaces by going forward with the plan. The new spaces are desperately needed. Keep them.

It would be a huge waste of time and energy to do otherwise.

If Harper trashes that program, he will never be re-elected.