The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88170   Message #1663892
Posted By: nutty
07-Feb-06 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay 'Do' (11 March 2006)
I found the poem in a book full of verse about Lifeboats.

THE LIFEBOAT IN VERSE (an anthology covering 100 years)
first published in 1938.

It says 'How the Women Launched the Lifeboat' - (the original title) - was reproduced from the November 1901 issue of The Toilers of the Deep, the organ of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen and in The Life-boat of Ist November 1901, Vol XVIII p274. The author Miss Bailey, who wrote the verse at Dalston, died in 1936.

I have been told that the women involved were invited to London as guests of the Queen.