The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88551   Message #1664170
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
08-Feb-06 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: Les Barker on the Radio again
Subject: RE: Les Barker on the Radio again
Les stands in the middle of a big stage, looking small & forlorn, peering over his glasses, wearing a warm & comfy cardi & a bemused smile, reciting or reading silly words, and the audience erupts, chanting the choruses or catchwords, and he smiles shyly at our enthusiasm.

I think he's the world's best performance poet!


Of course, at JennyO's club it was a very hot summer afternoon & his warm woolly cardi was far too hot, so he pushed up his sleeves, and the audience was almost in his lap as it is a very small cafe & was packed with 70 fans.