The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88530   Message #1664239
Posted By: WooBerry
08-Feb-06 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Neo-con invasion
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Neo-con invasion

I thought what Dick Cheney said was very rude and inappropriately uttered! (Although I don't blame him for his thoughts!. Calling someone a traitor as hate speech is like calling someone a scumbag, yes. But calling someone a traitor who has given away military secrets is the truth.
My handle I've had since 1992, when I got on AOL for the first time.
There is a story of course.

My musical interests derive from early indoctrination from my father, who even though being one of "Barry's Boys" was a Joan Baez and CMT fan. Since I started teaching Sunday School, I have found a wealth of folk songs which the children (and I) like that are singable, and scripturally accurate. I am looking on gathering a group of them which can be modified to fit my particular program.

I will present them to a group next fall (conference)
I am also interested in genealogy
In real life I am an anesthesiologist.

Now do none of you find it outrageous that the "pastor" who presided over Coretta King's funeral thought it was a good forum to bring up WMDs?

I shall remain out of any camps or factions if I can,
