The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19461 Message #1664429
Posted By: Helen
08-Feb-06 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Put Your Little Foot (Varsouvienna)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Varsouvianna
I emailed James (Guest, 03 Feb 06 - 06:11 AM ) and suggested that Put Your Little Foot might be the most likely Varsovienna referred to in the play.
I think, though, that the midi versions mentioned in the Mudcat thread are not really the way the song should sound. It is a dance tune, so it is played in a specific dance rhythm.
I found a midi file which is close to the way I have heard Varsoviennas played for dances. I'm in Australia and our versions are different but this one sounds (to me) like a Southern U.S. version which would be probably more appropriate for A Streetcar Named Desire.
There are some sheet music links in the following thread, and a also couple of "Click to Play" links, but these midi links don't have the right rhythm either, in my opinion.