The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88600   Message #1664610
Posted By: Hollowfox
08-Feb-06 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: My sons are employed!
Subject: RE: BS: My sons are employed!
No, no banjo playing. Both of them want to grow up to be starving artists, I think. We're all relieved, as I have been supportive and nagging at the same time. If it were too comfortable just to stay with Mom....(well, I'd probably plant an axe between somebody's ears, and then I'd have to bury him/them in the woods out back, and then there's the blood to clean up) it's better that they go off with my blessing to push their fortunes. Dan graduated from high school last June, and he's been hunting ever since, so I didn't give him too much grief, really.
PA, I'm sorry to hear that the powers that be are so uncooperative. Could it be his age that's a problem for them, perhaps because of child labor laws?