The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88656   Message #1664915
Posted By: JohnInKansas
08-Feb-06 - 10:57 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Is it possible?
Subject: RE: Tech: Is it possible?
Cluin -

That's a Mac OS that runs on an Intel processor. Mac has announced that an Intel Mac is in the works, and there reportedly are "cracked" (from stolen) copies of a beta version being circulated on the web.

Reviews from the trade pundits are "hopeful," and it sounds like it may be pretty good. Not too much legitimate-channel info out that I've seen. Of course the ones using the pirated copies (if they really do exist) aren't publicising what they're finding out.

I've seen at least one DIY article on what kind of "Windows" machine one should build if they want to plan on using the Mac OS on it eventually; but probably nobody really knows how accurate the requirements/specs are at this point.
